Parent playing with infant

Sample Activities

Ideas for Everyday Interactions

Looking for ideas on how to boost your young child’s learning? Our team of early childhood professionals have put together a list of activities that parents can do right at home with their young child. These are sorted by age and include links to other resources to get the creative juices flowing as parents become their child’s first teacher.


Toddlers in a preschool setting

Early Learning Options

Navigating Information Overload

There are a lot of different options for early childhood education. Choosing between childcare providers can be difficult. Our team has combined all you need to know to get started on your journey to select a high-quality educational experience for your child, as well as definitions to help you understand the choices.


Young children reading in classroom

Meeting Milestones

Screen Early, Screen Often

Making sure your child is on track for success is as easy as remembering this simple phrase: screen early, screen often. A screening observes how your child is growing to ensure he/she is meeting expected milestones. Participating in a screening can help guarantee that your child will not fall behind because of a developmental delay.