The list below is broken down to into age groups with fun, easy activities designed for parents to do with their child. Each of these activities supports early learning.



Make “Discovery Bottles”

By using any type clear water bottle, fill it up with different types of items for your baby to explore. For example, you can fill them with: Pasta, Cotton buds, tin foil, pipe cleaners, soapy water & rice. Gluing the cap to the bottle allows for your baby to play the filled bottle without accessing what is inside!


Explore the Rain

Going outside with your baby will give them an opportunity use their sense and explore the outside.


Frozen Sensory Balls

By filling balloons up with water, you can then freeze them to make Frozen sensory balls for your kids to play with. You can leave some of the frozen water still wrapped inside the balloon or take some balloons off exposing the ice ball inside. Utilizing these in the bathtub gives them something fun to explore and play with it.


“Squishy Fun”

All you need to a zip lock bag and some paint to entertain your kids. By using squirting paint into the bag and taping it shut, your kids can explore the fun and textures of paint without making a mess.

18-36 MONTHS


Active Games

At this age, kids are developing psychical skills. Playing games such as, follow the leader or freeze dance can help them develop these skills.


Conversation and Storytelling

As kids develop more language and speaking skills, they need to participate in activities that allow them to utilize them. Talking about feelings will allow them to start exercising their skills and give them an opportunity to reflect on their feelings.


Matching and Sorting Games

You can engage your kids in sorting games by asking them to sort and identify objects by their size, shape, and color.


Imaginary Play

Playing games such as pretend cooking or pretend eating. By providing your kids with many household items to use to their imagination, they can start developing their skills of simple imaginary play.



Matching Shapes

At these age kids are starting to identify names of shapes and what they look like. You can help them develop these skills by pointing out what shapes real life items are.


Trace Letters

Kids at this age tend to enjoy drawing. Purchasing papers that have red lines where letter should lie will help your kids identify letters and their shapes. You can draw letters on this paper and allow them then to trace over them with markers.


Do Puzzles

By putting together puzzles your kids can start developing important fine motor development skills. You can look for puzzles suited for their age group so they can start putting them together. This activity can also help teach them patience.


Notice Seasons

Kids at this age tend to enjoy going outside. When they do start discussing with them what seasons are and what happens when they change.



Make Peace Rocks

You can find any rock outside for this! By using a rock and paint allow your kids to tap into their creative sides to make a cool painted rock.


Make a Cereal Box House

A fun way to get craft is by using recycled household items. To complete this activity, you need an old cereal box and scissors to make a fun cereal box house that your kids can decorate and make their own.


Create a Gratitude Jar

Teaching kids’ gratitude is very important. A fun way to do so is by helping them make a jar full of notecards that say what they are thankful or grateful for.


Patterns in Nature

Doing activities outside is important for your child’s development. Going on outdoor scavenger hunts to find patterns outdoors can help them develop mindful seeing.

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